I know, I know, the pandemic is not over yet, but we really do see the light at the end of the tunnel. There are so many of you that helped us survive. All of you who purchased our hand sanitizer, our brewing friends who bought us beer that would have otherwise gone bad that we could quickly remake into hand sanitizer, and all of the locals who were not deterred by the rain and the cold and came to eat anyway under our outdoor tent.
Thank You!
We also could not have made it through without the good relationships with local craft bars who make the effort to put local distillers on their back bar. It is more important now than ever to take the time and support our local craft bars as they slowly start to emerge from being shuttered for so long.
Spotlighting our friends at Local 360
Local 360 Cafe and Bar downtown on 1st street, takes the idea of local and sustainability seriously. In their own words: ” To us, sustainability means relying on and investing in our immediate community and geological placement. It means utilizing our resources in an efficient and renewable manner that we find closest to us. And it means dedicating ourselves to ensuring the health of our neighbors and loved ones by using the freshest, most naturally grown sources.”

Now that restaurants are open for partial indoor dining, take the time to go check them out. One of their newer featured cocktails we are excited about is the “Le Fremont” made with Mischief’s Barrel Aged Gin, Tine Spiced Tea Liqueur, Honey Simple Syrup, Grapefruit Juice, and Townshend Sparkling.
Doesn’t that sound delightful?
I think we will head over there tonight and celebrate!